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Monday, June 6, 2011

New Battle Field 3 Trailer

New Battlefield trailer released. Shows urban combat. Watch video  Source: Battlefie...

E3 2011: Microsoft Press Conference Summary

A comprehensive summary on the entire Microsoft E3 conference is provided by Mediakick. One of the most anticipated conferences of this year’s E3 is Microsoft’s Global Media Briefing. Surprises of surprises,they opened with a gameplay footage of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The scale was there and it felt like a Call of Duty game. Don Mattrick then makes an appearance to a huge applause. He thanks everyone who is watching for making last year the biggest year in history for Xbox. He then briefs what we will see in this conference.   Crystal Dynamic’s Darrel Gallagher, then briefs us through a demo of Tomb Raider, which from the moment they started playing it looks absolutely fantastic! Lara had to use her survival instincts to survive...

Microsoft E3: MineCraft Coming to Xbox360 Exclusively

Microsoft has just confirmed that Minecraft is coming to Xbox 360 this winter Exclusively. hit the jump for more info. Kinect enabled Mine Craft is coming to Xbox 360 this winter. With the use of motion controle players will be allowed to create levels. The game will be Kinect Enabled allowing players to create levels with the use of motion controls. The goal is to supply endless possibilities for the player by adding a new layer of gameplay. MineCraft, which is also on PC, will be console exclusive for the Xbox 360 and is slated to release this winter. Read full story Source: paranoidga...

E3 2011 Microsoft Details Leaked, Halo 4 Confirmed

Microsoft just leaked its E3 line up including HALO 4 on Xbox. Other rumoured games mentioned on the site include: Kinect Star Wars: Feel the Force like never before as Kinect brings you into the Star Wars universe “The news millions of Halo fans have waited for: Halo 4 is on the way” Dance Central 2: New songs and new moves in the sequel to the best-selling Kinect dance game Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary: The epic game that launched a universe, remastered for a new generation Kinect Sports Season 2: Kinect puts you in the game for baseball, golf, skiing, tennis, and more. Read full story Source: X-box360.nowga...

Microsoft E3: Kinect Fun Labs Available Today

New Kinect App "Fun Labs" will to available today on Xbox Live. Kinect Lab will give you the ability to express yourself and allow you to share among friends. It also gives you the Ability to scan your own object, any object and can be used. “”scan any object that you love and play with it in an all-new way”". Read full story Source: Theparanoldga...

Is This Project Cafe's Real Name?

Project's Cafe's real name will be announced by Nintendo's press conference that may possible be "BEEM". Nintendo's E3 press conference will announce Project Cafe's real name that may possibly be Beem (pronounced "Beam"). Discovered by domain registration, which nobody can keep unwraps these days, Nintendo Beem is widely registered in a couple variations by the same company used to register and full story Souce: Dualpi...

Watch the Sony E3 Press Conference on Gamespot

GameSpot: "Watch Sony's E3 2011 press conference live to see what they unveil about the NGP, their next handheld gaming system."  Watch video Source: Games...

2011: Live TV, YouTube, Bing coming to Xbox Live

You say it, Xbox finds it"Live Television will come on Xbox with content such as news, sports and local stations. Microsoft's announced live TV, YouTube and Bing for Xbox Live, as it promises it will increase the amount of content on the service "by a factor of ten" this year. Live television will come via partnerships in the United States "and around the world," it said, with content such as news, sports and local stations promised. UFC president Dana White also took the stage to show off UFC streaming through the Xbox 360.Read full story Sour...

Sony E3 Press Conference: Exclusives, Biggest Rumours and Expected Announcements previews the Sony E3 Press Conference stating the biggest rumors, expected announcements and exclusives that gamers can expect. There are also some unexpected predictions from Sony's conference. GB: "Sony is in a mess. 2011, so far, has been nothing short of a nightmare for them.Their online service, PlayStation Network recently got hacked, and was down for a MONTH. Nobody could play any games online, and as if that wasn’t bad enough, all PSN users’ credit card information was at risk. When PSN finally did manage to come back up, the PS Store was facing problems, and it’s only now, a week after PSN recovered, that the Store is back up.   So it’s kind of obvious that Sony have to have a stellar E3 conference...

Resident Evil 4 Retro Review - Plasma Station

A review by Plasmastation: Resident Evil series took an incredible turn in both gameplay and story in this 4th installment of the horror survival series that shocked and awed people around the world. The game was a drastic improvement for the series. This game improved on control, graphics, storyline and almost every other aspect. But of course no game is without some minor set backs...  The story of Resident Evil 4 was about an American mercenary sent to a small Italian village to rescue the President's daughter from the clutches of an evil cult. Leon S. Kennedy makes his way through hoards of zombies to rescue Ashley, but runs into old and new foes such as Krauser, Salazar and the ruler of the cult, Saddler. As the story progresses,...

Mortal Kombat – CFD! Review

Sage Knox from CFD takes a look at the revival of classic Fighting Franchise. The success of Mortal Kombat ultimately lies within the fighting mechanics. Instead of relying on the overly complicated combinations and insane frame counting of other fighting games, a player can survive the story mode and hold his own against other average players by learning a few key combos and attacks for each character. As with any skill-based game, the more time someone spends to learn a specific character’s tendencies and moves, the greater proficiency they’ll have against other players.Read full story Source: ...

Games.On.Net 2 Minute Review: Hunted: The Demon's Forge (Xbox 360)

One of the biigger video games blog says: Hunted: The Demon’s Forge does exactly what it sets out to do, which is to capture the spirit of action-packed dungeon crawls in a way all the reference sheets and miniature orc figurines in the world can't. Combat is well-paced, visceral, and unrelenting. Ranged and melee are equally enjoyable, although a tendency of the melee AI to stand in your line of fire may give sword-and-board hounds an advantage. Graphically the game is let down by a somewhat generic fantasy design, which a hint of South American aesthetic can't rescue. On an HD monitor some minor jaggies showed up in high contrast situations, but a really laudable number of detailed textures made for some nice eye candy....

E3 2011 NGP Predictions

NGP Gamer presents out list of down to Earth predictions of what Sony's Press Conference at E3 this year will reveal about the new portable's release, price, features and games.With E3 about to kick off in earnest tomorrow, I thought I might as well take the time to lay out my own expectations and predictions, at least as they relate to the Sony NGP. These aren’t rumors or the result of insider information, merely my own educated guesswork. I’m publishing this ahead of tomorrow’s Sony press conference to keep myself honest.Read full story Source: ngp.gamerblah...

E3 2011 Press Conferences: Are we excited?

SchollA from writes: Choo Choo All Aboard! Last chance to jump on the hype train!!! The train we come to know as the Superbowl of Gaming- E3.  E3 is upon us and all I got to say is that I’m not as excited anymore as I used to be. Don’t get me wrong I’m still anticipating E3 but just not as excited. Partly because of last years debacle. I felt no one had a strong showing, nah I take that back Nintendo’s conference was pretty good- they did what they had to do (and they might just make it two years in a row). However overall E3 did not deliver. The other part of the equation is I like so many others bought into the hype, (my fault) various sites breaking news left and right about what games will or won’t be shown- Uncharted...

Nintendo 3DS 2.0.0-2U Update Detailed, Coming Tonight

Awsome news for Nindendo 3DS lovers, awaited update that unlocks some special features like 3DS shop and Internet browser will be released tonight. In addition to the Nintendo 3DS Shop, the ability to transfer the DSi game will also be available. The much awaited internet browser will also be enabled in the upcoming update tonight. For those who are experiencing the black screen of death, Nintendo stated that the new update will improve the stability and performance of the overall system. Expect also the system updates to be automatically downloaded.Read full story Source: Justpushst...

Microsoft goes shopping! this time, Nvidia.

According to multiple sources Microsoft and Nvidia have an agreement in place that spells out terms relating to a possible acquisition of the graphics and mobile processor manufacturer, regulatory documents indicate. Multiple sources confirm that the Redmond Giant is looking to buy a 30% approx of Nvidia. "Under the agreement, if an individual or corporation makes an offer to purchase shares equal to or greater than 30% of the outstanding shares of our common stock, Microsoft may have first and last rights of refusal to purchase the stock," Nvidia said in the filing, dated May 27.Read full story Source: Informationwee...

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: New details reveal 100% game completion time

Product-reviews says: Earlier on this week we brought you some much needed new details on the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game. Now we’re pleased to say that we have found some additional information on the game for you now, in particular the amount of time you’ll have to spend to finish the game 100%. Read full story Source: Product-revi...

Nintendo could have won E3 2011 already with new specs insight

Product-Reviews writes: A new Nintendo Wii console with three processors each clocking in at 3.36Ghz will be able to handle some serious gaming grunt, so if the specs are confirmed at E3 2011, it’s going to be extremely interesting to see what both Sony and Microsoft think with regards to their upcoming PS4 and Xbox 720 consoles.  Has Nintendo just emerged as the new favorite to deliver the most impressive next generation gaming console after the Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360?Read full story Source: Product-revi...

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