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Friday, June 3, 2011

Bioshock Infinite To Be Presented At Microsoft's Xbox 360 E3 Press Conference? - Irrational Game’s upcoming next entry in the massive Bioshock series may potentially be presented at Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference, starting 9:30 am – 11:00 am PT on June 6th. A conspicuous tweet left by Geoff Keighley, Host of Spike TV’s GTTV has raised suspicions that Bioshock Infinite may feature at Microsoft’s Presser, with Geoff tweeting that Ken Levine, Creative Director at Irrational Games will speak live with the team about the title, directly after Microsoft’s Press Conference. Read full story Source: Sillega...

Microsoft E3 Announcements May Have Leaked, Xbox Live Diamond is IPTV Writes: Details from Microsoft’s E3 keynote “may” have in fact leaked, according to some information SlashGear was able to get. We have talked before about the possibility of MS using their Xbox 360 console to become the first virtual cable operator in the country and if these rumors pan out it looks like that will be happening. Called Xbox Live Diamond this look to be the first stage for MS to get into the IPTV game, and will include Kinect based motion controlling along with a host of video and audio offerings.  You can bet there will be a social-networking aspect to the service as well.Read full story Source: Gizmofus...

New Rainbow Six Game to be announced at E3 2011?

It seems like Ubisoft may have been working on the title for some time now, despite the silence the publisher has kept. This new Rainbow Six is said to be a far more story-driven game than previous iterations. The game will tell a bigger, much more gritty cinematic story than previous versions of the game that is based around stopping a homegrown terrorist group operating in America. These terrorists are fed up with the greed of Wall Street and the government that acts to protect them and decide to target New York City.Read full story Source: Battlesta...

New Skyrim info - "It's not terribly different from Crysis"

SystemLink: "A Skyrim forum user has posted nuggets of crisp, golden information regarding Bethesda's latest behemoth in the Elder Scrolls series. Cue epic music as Todd Howard talks 3rd person, weather and Crysis with PC Gamer" --The city with the infamous "backwards windmill" in the trailer is Solitude, an Imperial city siding with the Empire, as Todd states, but Windhelm is "the oldest pure-Nord city. Markarth is very vertical. Whiterun is kind of in the middle--it's in the tundra, so that city is more open."Read full story Source: Multi.systemli...

First Skyrim demo coming Monday

SystemLink: "Gasp! Could it be! Geoff Keighley may have made everyone's week by announing that the first Skyrim demo will be aired on Monday." How about some @elderscrolls? Monday on Spike/GT, Todd Howard shows you the first demo of Skyrim! Right after the Xbox briefing. #EPICRead full story Source: Multi.systeml...

E3 2011: Uncharted NGP graphics on par with PS3

Product-Reviews: We have a treat for gaming fans right before E3 2011 now, as Sony has just posted a brand new video feature on the upcoming Uncharted title for the Sony NGP or PSP2, or PS Vita as it may end up being called.  First things first and we can confirm that the title has also been given it’s proper name, and that is Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Just to recap, the game will take place before the events of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune but it’s understood that this is not a prequel, but rather a brand new storyline in the Uncharted universe.  The game will make use of dual analogue sticks, touchscreen support and also motion controls thanks to the new NGP hardware. Golden Abyss is being developed by Sony Bend, with original...

FF XIII-2 E3 Teaser Trailer

Check out a GameSpot exclusive E3 teaser trailer for Final Fantasy XIII-2.  Read full story Source: Games...

E3 2011 - Future of Kinect Revealed [HD]

The future of Kinect is revealed this Monday, June 6th. Read full story Source: Thegx...

Why Microsoft will win E3

GamerFitNation's Gregory Laporte provides his opinion on Microsoft and whether or not they will outdo the competition. Microsoft is the company that launched the Kinect to worldwide success and appeal. No one seems to be talking about their E3 lineup and many people think that Nintendo and Sony will come out the premier conferences at this year’s E3. I however on the other hand believe something else and feel we are in for some bombshell announcements.Read full story Source: Gamerfitnat...

Twisted Metal - E3 2011 Revenge Trailer

Sweet Tooth is a man on a horrible, mission.  Watch video Source: I...

Final Fantasy Type-0 and Kingdom Hearts 3D Won't be at E3

If you're looking forward to information on Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance or Final Fantasy Type-0, it looks like you'll be out of luck for E3. Square Enix confirmed the titles that would be at E3, and these two handheld games were nowhere in sight. Read full story Source: Handheldgamingb...

FIFA 12 Special Edition announced

STN Writes: EA has announced a Special Edition version of FIFA 12, allowing those who pre-order the game some extra incentives. Gold packs include a mix of 12 items, including players, contracts, stadiums, managers, staff, fitness, healing, balls, kits and badges. Gold Packs consist of players rated 75+ in-game and include one rare item. Rare items include enhanced player attributes, longer contracts and the most coveted players.Read full story Source: Shopton...

E3 2011: FIFA 12 Gameplay Trailer Released (HD 720p)

Ve3tro: "EA has just released the FIFA 12 trailer for E3 2011, check it out now." Watch Trailer Source: Ve3...

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Comes to iPad: Five New Screens

Coming June 2011, DICE's classic battle simulator Battlefield Bad Company 2 is set to be released on Ipad, promising a large, multi-touch screen and highly improved, high-definition graphics. There will also be support for online competitive multiplayer, as well as an extensive single player campaign.Read full story Source: Gamerg...

DirectX 10 is dead, claims AMD

PC Format: "According to AMD at its press conference yesterday in not-so-sunny Taipei DirectX 10 has had its day. With a slide announcing 2011 as the year of DirectX 11 AMD is claiming that the previous API is dead and long live the new." Read full Story  Source: Pcformat.techra...

Sony NGP Q&A: Video out, Hardware Features, Software, and more

Gamespot: NGP details spilled in our talk with Shuhei Yoshida, vice president, product development, Sony Computer Entertainment America. Sony's "next generation portable", or NGP as its been known since its announcement at a press conference in Japan, has been the object of much speculation since its January debut. GameSpot caught up with Sony Computer Entertainment America vice president, product development, Shuhei Yoshida at a pre-E3 press event to grill him about what we can expect from the new handheld, how 3G will figure into the package, what configurations the device will come in, support for legacy PSP titles, what the biggest hurdle is to the NGP’s success, and much more.Read full Interview Source: Games...

Sony Offer Another Free Game For PSN Trouble

Hookedgamers: With the PS Store being restored today after 43 days of downtime, Sony is now offering another completely free download to all PSN users in order to make up for the trouble Admittedly it's not the best game in the world. But with all the other free content being provided already, you can hardly complain about another being added to the long list. It's free so go download the game and enjoy it!Read full story Source: Hookedgam...

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