Glider Content

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nintendo 3DS "Black Screen Of Death", How to fix

          According to several video game sites, some owners of the 3-D gaming gadget have found that a black screen appears along with instructions to hold the power button down and hard-reset the machine.            The system indicates "An error has occurred" while playing a variety of games and has to be rebooted. We saw no such glitches in our testing, but what about you?          Super Monkey Ball, Street Fighter IV 3D, Pilotwings, Ghost Recon, Lego Star Wars, and Mii applications have all been mentioned in connection to the error.          Some users have found the issue is resolved by the reset suggested on-screen, while others...

Where do you think GTA V will be set?

 It is nearing 3 years since gtaIV was released. Imho the first stages of devolpement for the next gta was started 6 months before IV was released.(just an assumption). I have no idea where the next location is, I wouldn't mind for any location however, as long as it has a somewhat diverse environment. I the the most likely place is Vice city. However, I prayed its not 80s again. SA is also possible but I don't think London will be done again. I wish GTAV would be more like Vice City, warm sandy beaches, 80's feeling and stuff. GTAIV is kinda "dark" and everything so it gives a feeling like a war is going on. Anyway what do you think if it would be in San Andreas because there's alot of space to play in theres a beach, a country side,...

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