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Friday, May 27, 2011

Codemaster's Dirt 3 review

So you want to know that what real racing is? Dirt 3 really, really wants you to love rally racing as much as it does. Dirt 3 completely biased on difficult roads and over long distances. You will learn to play that how difficult sports is and how hard and durable it is to keep your off-road vehicle on the road in muddy terrain. The main formula of dirt 3 has taken from the 2009's dirt 2. More cars, tracks, locations, new mods in single and multiplay...

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 revealing

Marvelous amount of information about Modern Warfare 3including screenshots, Multiplayer and an outline of the game's campaign and story released. We've got some concrete information from relieable sources which should make the path a little clearer. However, we're not sure that these informations are be true or not? Sources from Infinity Ward Creative Strategist Robert Bowling, better known as FourZeroTwo, wrote onTwitter a short while ago, "A lot of hype & a lot of leaked info on #MW3, some still accurate, some not. To avoid spoiling the experience, I'd wait for the real reveal." Kotaku obtained the detail information about Modern Warfare game's story, art, sound, and game mods. They believed that imagery and chief details are accurate...

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