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Thursday, June 2, 2011

X-Men Arcade Coming to US Apple App Store by June 3rd

Portable gaming has come a long way. For the first time in its history, X-Men Arcade is appearing on a portable device. Available now in the Apple App Store, X-Men Arcade includes all 6 original X-Men characters: Cyclops, Colossus, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler and Dazzler. Read full story Source: Pixelperfectgamin...

POWER A Announces Performance Audio Accessories for Nintendo 3DS

"POWER A today announced new audio-enhancing products for Nintendo 3DS™ owners. The officially licensed compact POWER A Stereo & Chat Headset will provide Nintendo 3DS gamers with stereo sound for games, music and video. Additionally, they can chat in-game with friends with crystal clarity. POWER A is also releasing a set of officially licensed Stereo & Chat Earbuds with the same functionality." Read full story Source: Wiilov...

Uncharted Golden Abyss Delivers a Home Console Experience

Kotaku: Uncharted Golden Abyss is the best reason, but certainly not the only one, to buy Sony's still-codenamed Next Generation Portable.  Uncharted Golden Abyss certainly isn't the sort of first-person shooter experience that will completely stress test the abilities of the NGP's dual thumbsticks, that will have to wait for aBattlefield or Call of Duty, but it requires enough shooting and moving to prove what gamers have been saying for years: Shooters just don't work with a single thumbstick.Read full preview Source:  Kok...

NowGamer - NGP Hands On Verdict

Nowgamer: We get hands-on with Sony's latest portable device, and detail all its key features. There’s no debate over the machine itself – it’s quite a beast. So long as the games, apps and other stuff supporting it is good enough and takes clever advantage of elements like the touch screen/pad, Sixaxis etc. then there’s no doubt NGP will be a device with a hell of a lot of potential. But price. Always price. It’s the kicker.Read full preview Source: Nowga...

E3 2011 Predictions: Day One | Game Informer

Gameinformer: E3 is next week, which means loads of announcements, system news, and other assorted gaming information. To prepare for the hype, the editors at Game Informer have gazed into their respective crystal balls and are bringing you the results. In the first day, they've got predictions on the NGP, Nintendo's next system, and how Sony plans to deal with the PSN outage fallout. Read full story Source: Gameinfor...

Sincere Sony spills PSPgo regrets

Yoshida: "I could spend 30 minutes talking about what was wrong with it"The console's launch in November 2009 was met with respectable reviews, but the price - just $50 less than the PS3 at the time - was widely criticised. The system struggled to sell, despite a relaunch last May that saw the hardware bundled with 10 free games in the UK. Read full story Source: Computerandvideoga...

Sony Pictures and Sony BMG hacked, 1 million user's details stolen

This is yet more bad news for Sony, who have been suffering numerous data breaches lately, the most notable of which being the PSN attack which occurred in April of this year. Not all of the one million customer details have been leaked online, however a considerable amount has been released. The details of the hack have also been released and at the time of writing, it is still open, meaning additional customer details could be taken at any time.Read full story Source: Neo...

Six Fantastic Fan-Made Videogame Posters

Artist Ron Guyatt has illustrated a number of posters inspired by his favorite movies and video games, among them Fallout 3, SimCity, and Portal 2.   View imagesSource: Gamer...

New Tomb Raider teaser image for upcoming trailer

Another brand new image for the Tomb Raider trailer has been released. View imges Source: Gamingeveryth...

Game Boyz - Dead or Alive Dimensions (3DS) Review

    Game-Boya: Dead or Alive Dimensions (referred to as DOA Dimensions in this review) has hit store shelves, and after playing much of the game, and showing it off to some friends of, I have to say that I am really impressed and amazed with how good fighting games are on the big N’s new handheld console.Read full Story Source: Gameboys ...

3D Classics Excitebike screenshots

Nintendo released the first screenshots of 3D Classics Excitebike. View ScreenshotsSource: Nintendoeverythi...

Capcom Teases New Street Fighter x Tekken Character

Continuing on with Capcom’s Street Fighter X Tekken character teasers, we’ve got #3 and the smart money’s on Tekken‘s Julia Chang for this one. Watch Video Source: Thegamers...

Tekken’s Hwoarang Confirmed For Street Fighter x Tekken

Capcom has released another teaser video of Street Fighter X Tekken. This new video reveals Tekken’s Taekwondo expert, Hwoarang.  Watch Video Source: Thesilentch...

Rainbow Six Set to Invade New York With Home-Grown Terrorism

A new interpretation of the classic Rainbow Six, the tough-as-nails tactical shooter that asked gamers to carefully plan out the nuance of a breach like a choreographed dance, is in the works, a source familiar with the unannounced Ubisoft shooter tell Kotaku.Read full story Source: Kok...

High Resolution Wipeout NGP Screens!

Native resolution shots of the new NGP Wipeout title. Read full story Source: ngp.gamerblahhh...

Age of Empires Online Out August 16th

Microsoft has just announced that Age of Empires Online (developed by Gas Powered Games in conjunction with Microsoft Game Studios) the free-to-play real time strategy MMO will be released August 16th. Read full story Source: Fronttowardsga...

inFamous 2 Demo Gameplay Video

JI writes: "The PlayStation Store is back up now and one of the downloads waiting for gamers is the inFamous 2 Single Player demo. Get to punching in your redeem codes and bring your inFamous 2 A-game for this look into Sucker Punch's Open World Action Hero game. The demo has a healthy amount of missions to give you a good tease before the title drops next Tuesday." Read full story Source: Exami...

Mega EU PlayStation Store Update Incoming, Detailed

The PlayStation Store has finally come back online following its recent outage, with Sony announcing the news in style by releasing a slew of great content on the Store. However, the company is not done yet: SCEE has detailed a massive PlayStation Store update that is scheduled to go live this Friday.Read full Sory Source: Playstationlifest...

The Witcher 2 Sells Over 400,000 Units In First Week

CD Projekt RED has revealed during the CDP Summer Confernce that the Witcher 2 has sold over 400,000 units in its first week.Read full story Source: Mediak...

Crytek UK working on single-player only game?

Crytek UK is going to make an announcement about their next game at E3. As German magazine dug up, it might just be a single-player game, pretty much ruling out the possibility of a TimeSplitters 4 or Star Wars: Battlefront 3 which relied heavily on their respective multiplayer modes. Read full story Source: Gamesw...

InFamous 2 Review by GamePro

GamePro writes: "InFamous 2 is a superhero-themed sandbox game that has the unenviable task of following up a beloved title. While technical and design choices make this a bit a disappointment, some great set pieces, fun powers, and memorable battles still make for an enjoyable ride". Read full story Source: Game...

InFamous 2 Review by CVG

What made things even harder for developer Sucker Punch, however, was the way in which the inFamous name was placed eye-to-eye with Uncharted 2... by the studio's own doing. SP's declaration that it was aiming for a sequel that matched Naughty Dog's amazing standard was ballsy - or maybe just balls-out insane. Read full story Source:  Computerandvideoga...

Neocrisis: Hunted: The Demon's Forge Review

Neocrisis: Welcome to the dark fantasy world known as Hunted: The Demon's Forge. You are able to switch between Caddoc, a human swordsman and E'lara, a elven female archer. Both of these characters are mercenaries who go searching for a mysterious artifact.  Read full story Source: Neocry...

PlayStation Store Global Update – June 1st, 2011

The next US PlayStation Store and PlayStation Plus update will be this Friday, June 3. We will have a new post chronicling that when it goes live. The Welcome Back Program is in the final testing phases, according to the folks at the PlayStation Blog, and we will let you know when it is available.Read full story Source: Playstationlif...

Volition to release stand-alone Red Faction Multiplayer experience?

One big difference between Guerilla and Armageddon is that the latter doesn’t feature competitive multiplayer – instead it comes packed with a ‘horde’ like wave based combat mode called ‘Infestation’. So when and why was this decision made to pull out the competitive aspect to Red Faction? Well, I went to find out.Read full story Source: xg...

EA: Battlefield 3 will outsell Modern Warfare 3

The FPS scene will see a true heavyweight battle this November, as the two biggest shooter franchises will go head to head: Battlefield 3 vs Modern Warfare 3. Game industry analysts have predicted that Modern Warfare 3 will outsell Battlefield 3, but EA doesn’t share that opinion. According to EA’s senior vice president Jens Uwe, Battlefield 3 will outsell Modern Warfare 3. When asked if Battlefield 3 will outsell Modern Warfare 3.Read full story Source: Bf3b...

EA Plays Dirty, Replaces Modern Warfare 3 YouTube Search Results With Battlefield 3 Ads

Gamethisrt - If you were not paying attention, there’s a war going on between EA and Activision for what we’ll call ‘shooter supremacy’. Activision currently holds the crown with its ubiquitous Call of Duty titles that’s become the biggest piece of entertainment of all time. But EA’s not sitting idly by while the mega-publish gloat on its thrown; on the contrary, the firm’s throwing everything it has at the competitor. Read full story Source: Gamesthi...

NGP And PS3 Cross-Platform Play Announced

Since its announcement, people have been wondering what kind of cross-platform integration the NGP would have with its home console brother, the PlayStation 3. Now, as some of the launch games have been announced, we can get a glimpse at some of the features.Read full story Source: Mediak...

New Screens of Final Fantasy XIII-2: Serah a Playable Character

Despite the numerous Final Fantasy games out, Final Fantasy XIII is only going to be the second game in the series to receive a true sequel. Final Fantasy X was the first and frankly, the sequel was a bit disheartening. Let's just hope that FFXIII-2 can change that trend. In order to get us a bit more exited for the game, Square-Enix has released two new screens that reveal quite a bit of information. Read full story Source: Gamerg...

New screens and art for Castlevania:Lords of Shadow Resurrection DLC

New assets from Konami for upcoming Lords of Shadow DLC. Read full Story Source: Veg...

No Xbox Live Arcade release today

There will be no new Xbox Live Arcade game released today. Read full story Source: Euroga...

New Product For Xbox 360 Being Announced Friday will have a new announcement and first look of a new product for Xbox 360. Read full story Source: ...

New update on PSN Welcome Back

Sony Corporation and Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) announced today that Sony Network Entertainment International (SNEI, the company) will fully restore all PlayStation®Network services today June 2, 2011, in the Americas, Europe/PAL territories and Asia, excluding Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea'.Read full story Source:

Infamous 2 Review by G4TV

G4TV writes: "inFAMOUS 2 builds upon the excellent foundation established in its predecessor: give the player mass powers of electric destruction, present a standard good-and-evil moral duality, and let them loose in a city to do as they will. It's likely one of the best superhero-sandbox game ever made, and though it has its flaws, the game remains a polished experience from start to finish" Read full story Source: G...

Brink Review by GameExplain

GameXplain Says: "Online shooters are without a doubt one of the biggest rages in this generation's gaming cycle. Becasue of this, publishers pointlessly shoehorn multiplayer modes into games that frankly just don't need it—at times sacrificing the overall quality of the end product just to check off a bullet point on the back of the box. Splash Damage's team-focused class-based shooter Brink is quite the opposite, it's a multiplayer game that's shoehorned around a story hoping to lure in gamers looking for next best thing." Read full story Source: Gameexplain...

Unannounced Bethesda game being revealed soon?

SystemLink: "I'm pretty much assuming that only one Bethesda title dominates your horizon for the time-being; Skyrim. It's big, bold, brash, brooding, bloody, brilliant, and slightly belated (We've been waiting 5 years for a new Elder Scrolls). However, this narrow-mindedness may all change very soon." Read full story Source: alt.systemlink...

Mass Effect 3 to Feature Kinect Support?

Cover art for the upcoming Bioware action RPG Mass Effect 3 has been found on EA's digital store and, rather surprisingly, it contains the "Better With Kinect" banner found on games which feature Kinect, but don't require it. Given the source, the image is definitely legitimate but it could of course be a mistake. Bioware has talked in the past about implementing Kinect in Mass Effect 3. "We're not going to do a party game, we're not going to do Dance Dance Krogan for Mass Effect. The reality is it's going to have a really positive impact. Can we create a greater sense of immersion during conversations by using gestures? I think we probably could and I think that's where we'll explore." Bioware boss Greg Zeschuktold last...

Xbox 360 250GB Kinect bundle dropping to $299.99 ahead of E3? (update)

The image above is not a mockup. What you're looking at is a screen grab from the Video Game section of Target's online storefront proudly touting "free shipping" on a $299.99 Xbox 360 250GB console with Kinect bundle. Read full story Source: Engad...

Is Sony About to Release An Uncharted Bundle?

Kotaku AU writes: "This has to taken as rumour for now, but an EB employee has anonymously sent us a pic of what seems to be an Uncharted platinum bundle, featuring the first and second game, for AU$69.95. This morning we simply received the above picture via email, taken from the EB in-store computer catalogue, but after calling EB directly we discovered that the bundle is being released on June 21 – pretty soon, considering we’ve heard absolutely nothing about the bundle to date." Read full story Source: Kok...

Acti thanks EA for hyping Call of Duty

Eurogamer - Activision has brushed off Electronic Arts' aim to dent Call of Duty's position at the top of the first-person shooter pile with Battlefield 3.Speaking to MCV, Activision Publishing boss Eric Hirshberg dismissed the threat of Battlefield, and even thanked its bitter publishing rival for hyping Modern Warfare 3. Read full story Source: Euroga...

PlayStation Network Still Not Secure, Says Ex-Hacker

Recognized as one of the top computer hackers in the world today, Gregory Evans is warning gamers that they’re not safe when playing video games on PlayStation Network. The author of eight books on computer security and identity theft, Evans spent two years in federal prison and paid $10 million for hacking into major companies like AT&T, MCI and Worldcom. He’s been hacking since the 10th grade, but now he works on the right side of the law. Read full story Source: Industrygam...

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