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Monday, May 30, 2011

Road to E3 2011: Street Fighter X Tekken

Street Fighter X Tekken (that “X” is conspicuous “cross” by a way) is a crossover warrior between Capcom and Namco. Unlike a Vs series, Street warrior X Tekken is a some-more traditional, reduction over a tip warrior that plays really identical to Street Fighter. The diversion is a tab group fighter, so we have dual characters we can switch between via a fight. We’ve had a possibility to play with a few of a characters, though in an early stage. The differences in a fighting styles between Tekken impression and Street Fighter characters creates balancing a diversion a formidable job, so Capcom has been wavering to uncover off many of a playable characters. So distant a reliable register is: Ryu, Chun-Li, Guile, Kazuya Mishima, Nina Williams,...

Pay to Play "Call of Duty Elite" is coming

Activision Blizzard Inc. plans to launch an online service called Call of Duty Elite this fall that will work with the next major edition of the game, “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3,”. According to the Wall Street Journal: Activision plans to charge a monthly subscription fee for the service, which will provide extra content that isn’t offered on game discs sold in stores, including downloadable map packs that give players new “Call of Duty” levels to play. Jamie Berger, Activision's vice president of digital for "Call of Duty," said the company has about seven million daily players of the game who spend, on average, about seven full days a year playing the game against others online. Players often use headsets to communicate verbally with...

Sony is not working on the PS4

News alert for Play Station fans that Sony is not working on the PS4 anymore. This stoppage is due to the announcement of NGP. Sony already plans to release NGP this year. However it would be better for Sony to release next-gen PS4 in next year. Sony’s Executive VP and Chief Financial Officer Masaru Kato said: “For the home equipment the PS3 still has a product life, but this is a platform business, so for the future platform – when we’ll be introducing what product I cannot discuss that – but our development work is already under way, so the costs are incurred there.”Source: Rip...

NGP’s Official Name Revealed

The possible official name of the NGP could have just been leaked. What do you think? Next Generation Portable (NGP) is now in fact called the Playstation Vita (PSV). Source has confirmed that Vita and Golden Abyss are in facet real names which will be announced soon, possibly at or prior to E3 201. Souece : Ripten Rumour Time: NGPs Official Name Revea...

Infamous 2 Review

Genre: Third-Person Action  Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Developer: Sucker PunchRelease Date: June 7, 2011 MSRP: $59.99 Exclusively on: PlayStation 3 We can not deny that we approach this Infamous 2 with some reluctance. No reason to doubt its quality since the first well showed what could give the franchise itself, but because Sucker Punch was not an easy task to try to raise the bar. Moving from a game notable for an outstanding, especially when we have a very direct then, is a challenge even more complicated. But they have succeeded. Taking note of everything that worked in the first game, amending that no terms of taste and seasoned with their own innovations, they have managed to turn...

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