GB: "Sony is in a mess. 2011, so far, has been nothing short of a nightmare for them.Their online service, PlayStation Network recently got hacked, and was down for a MONTH. Nobody could play any games online, and as if that wasn’t bad enough, all PSN users’ credit card information was at risk. When PSN finally did manage to come back up, the PS Store was facing problems, and it’s only now, a week after PSN recovered, that the Store is back up.
So it’s kind of obvious that Sony have to have a stellar E3 conference this year so that they can win back the confidence of their fans and followers. Fortunately, they look all set to deliver one of their best conferences in recent memory- they’re set to shows the lineup of the NGP, the price, release date and final name of their new handheld system, no...Read full story
Source: Gamingbolt
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