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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

7 Things You Didn't Know About Wii U

How much do you really know about Wii U? There are Seven things You Didn't Know About Wii U. 1. The original idea for Wii U was simply to have "a small monitor" to check the console's status. Miyamoto: We started from the notion of, "It would be nice if there was a small monitor of sorts other than the TV, where we could always see the status of the Wii console". The Wii console did have the blue illumination lamp to notify new messages, but the amount of information a lamp could get across was limited... Iwata: It was only able to say whether there was new information or not, so it had limits on what it could do. 2. Nintendo decided on a tablet controller before anyone cared about tablets. (AKA: "We're not just copying Apple." Iwata:...

Analysing the Wii U: What Nintendo needs to do

To compete with the 360 and the PS3 on their own turf, Nintendo are going to have to do something special with the way online multiplayer works. Friend codes, for instance, are right out. Nintendo is offering a system that's on a par with the 360 and PS3. Nintendo hasn't competed this seriously in a long, long time. When it comes to the big-budget franchises the Wii got a couple of shoddy spin-off titles, while the Gamecube tended towards low-quality ports. Upcoming WiiU has ability to play four-player split-screen versions of modern FPS games without actually splitting the screen.Nintendo cannot afford to price themselves out of the market. The backlash to the PS3's “Five-hundred-and-ninety-nine US dollars” price point is legendary,...

WiiU To Be Priced $600?

A very credible source has given an estimation of the value of the Nintendo WiiU, Ninento's new console. Australia is well known to have things overpriced, but is this an indication of how much we should expect to pay for the WiiU? To put it in perspective, the 160GB PS3 costs $498 and the 250GB Xbox 360 S costs $448. What do you think? What would be the best price for WiiU? Read full story Source: Gamersh...

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