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Friday, June 10, 2011

Nintendo is back?

Well as you all know E3 2011 has come to a sad stop. Its been a exciting week for ALL GAMERS everywhere. If your a playstation gamer, look forward to uncharted, resistance, and PS vita. If your a Xbox gamer look forward to halo 4 & Gears of war 3. Last but not least, Nintendo came with the big guns this year, the WiiU and with that being said let me get to the point.  A lot of gamers lately have been saying the phrase "Nintendo is back". Someone please tell me.. where did they go? Check out the video below for more on the subject and let us know what you think. Read full story Souce: 26s...

Submitted by Feckles 4h ago | news Why Infinity Ward Isn't Talking About Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer

NowGamer has been speaking with Rob Bowling from Infinity Ward about Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and in particular why it hasn't shown anything of the multiplayer game yet. Bowling explained, “It’s up and running. We play it every night but multiplayer is that thing that at this point in development, it’s changing every day. We’re constantly putting something in, trying it out, taking it out, reshuffling things for balance… it’s changing every day." Rumour has it that Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer will be detailed in September at Gamescom. Read full storySource: Nowgamer ...

New Nintendo Wii U has AMD Radeon

As of last night, AMD went on the record telling the world that its GPU is part of the new Nintendo gaming console. Naturally AMD didn't spill any important details about the GPU itself, but it is not a Fusion chip but rather an embedded graphics card.  The current test phase has to involve a 40 nm prototype chip, something based on the Southern Islands but the real production chip might actually be based on a shrink version in 28nm, codenamed Northern Island. Of course the chip won’t be identical to a real GPU but it will share many similarities. Read full story Souce: Fudzi...

PlayStation Vita: No Internal Memory Storage, Users Buy Memory Card to Fit Needs

Sony’s PlayStation Vita has a high level of graphical prowess, a stellar list of third-party development partners, and has a lovely, large enhanced resolution screen. There is plenty to love about this new handheld from Sony so far but, in a recent FAQ posting by Sony, it may have one minor flaw that will cause some to grimace in disappointment.  Do you wish Sony had included an internal memory of moderate size on the Vita or would you rather have it removed so Sony could release the handheld at the low price of $249.99/$299.99?Read full story Source: Exami...

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