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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Retail Easy - 5 Reasons Why the Nintendo Wii U will Fail

Yesterday Nintendo gave their E3 2011 presentation, showed us all what had been under wraps as “Project Cafe” and was now being referred to as the Wii U. A funny name for a new console but we thought that about the Wii when it was first revealed. During the presentation Nintendo showed off the “interesting” new controller and HD graphics but will that be enough to pull off another gaming revolution as they did with the Wii? Well here are 5 reasons it won’t. Firstly the new controller looks like a dinner plate. its sheer size and shape make it look awkward in the hand  The size and technology packed into the controller will undoubtedly make it expensive.  who is going to let their 4 year old child run round the living room swinging...

E3 2011: Final Fantasy XIII-2 Longer than Predecessor; 360 Version Might Have 3 or More Discs

We all know the fact that Final Fantasy XIII is a huge game as the Xbox 360 version has three discs. With the sequel coming out in Japan by the end of the year and early next year for North America, Xbox 360 owners can expect another FF game that will have multiple disc. From what we played today, some of the sidequests to expect are similar to what FFXIII has to offer. The L’Cieth will be there in each dungeon to give the player quests and the objectives will pretty much slay the monster. Since what we played are just a demo, it could change on the final version. However, the representative mentioned that sidequests will be a lot better and meaningful than XIII.Read full story Souce: Justpushst...

OnLive App allows you to play PC games on iPad, Android tablets

BeefJack writes: "OnLive have unveiled their new App that allows you to play PC games on an iPad or Android tablet – and promise an experience that will out-perform “any console announced in 2012.”  The OnLive App uses their cloud technology to play games across the internet with their servers doing all the heavy work. Even more importantly, while the App will support touch controls, it will also come with a wireless gamepad controller – turning a tablet into a fully fledged portable PC gaming system. OnLive claims it will provide for “with far higher performance, richer gameplay and deeper social integration than any console announced for 2012...." Read full story Source:  Beefj...

PlayStation Store Update: June 8th - E3, Day 2

Today's update is headlined by a downloadable version of Sony's E3 2011 press conference, June's Qore episode, and a handful of fresh E3 trailers. Franchise Titles StarhawkQOREJune Single Episode (Free to PlayStation Plus subscribers, regular price $2.99)Game Videos (free)E3 Press Conference Video Part 1 File Size: 1.56 GB (HD)E3 Press Conference Video Part 2 File Size: 1.79 GB (HD)E3 Press Conference Video Part 3 File Size: 1.10 GB (HD)PULSE E3 PConf Pregame Edition File Size: 509 MB (HD) 85 MB (PSP)PULSE E3 PConf Postgame Edition File Size: 1.35 GB (HD) 218 MB (PSP)PULSE Special E3 2011 Edition Part 1 File Size: 655 MB (HD) 101 MB (PSP)Starhawk Developer Diary 01 File Size: 316 MB (HD)Bleach Soul Resurrección Preview Trailer  File...

PlayStation VITA Games Pricing Revealed

Dual Pixels - PlayStation VITA is just at a fabulous price, for me, you, and everyone else who wants all the power in the palm of their hands. Although PS VITA's hardware price was officially revealed the other day, the individual prices of titles for VITA haven't. According to Gamestop, they will be very cheap. Read full story Source: Dualpix...

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