Glider Content

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gears of War 3 currently the most pre-ordered game in the world

Gears of War 3 pre-orders have topped 800,000 units, making it the most pre-ordered game in the world at the moment.  According to sales trackers, Gears of War 3 is currently the most pre-ordered game, with pre-orders currently topping 800,000 copies, beating out inFamous 2, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3. The 800,000 pre-orders are for the US only, which means the total amount of worldwide Gears of War 3 pre-orders could easily top 1 million.Read full story Source: Gears3b...

Griffin, Clayton Carmine and Jace Playable at E3

Rod Fergusson announces new Gears of War 3 characters to be playable at E3. Personally, I am most excited to play as Griffin. Griffin, as you may know, is voiced by rapper/ actor Ice T who is not new to video game voice-work. Save and Quit will make sure we get our hands on these characters during E3 and let you know what we think. Who knows? Maybe we can sneak a video out of there.Read full story Source: Saveandquitegam...

How Sony can win E3

Whether you think that the PSN hacking debacle was a serious error on Sony's part or an unpreventable crime in which the company was the innocent victim, one thing is clear: Sony needs to move on from PSN-gate, and pronto.Read full story Source: Videoga...

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