Glider Content

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sony hackers plotting attack on PSN or getting played by Sock Puppet Software---(PS3, PSP)

Gamecrypt: In an earlier article it was discovered that 2 other hacker groups were aiming at Sony for bragging rights. Obviously not far from your memory are the names Lulzsec and Idahca. After close observation of the twitter feed for Lulzsec there have been a few interesting points of interest that needs to be disclosed. Including Sock Puppet Software and the high risk of another PSN attack.Read full story Source: Gamecr...

Rumour: Sony reveals Syphon Filter 4 for PS3

Gamersmint: The forums of Giantbomb aswell as GameTrailers are claiming that Sony’s US PS website had posted information regarding a new Syphon Filter title: Syphon Filter 4 before quickly taking it down. Read full Story Source: Gamersm...

Sony shaving NGP costs: less “investment heavy” than PS3---(PS3, PSP2)

Slashgear writes: Sony is looking to reduce its initial outlay on the NGP next-gen portable games console, with CFO Masaru Kato telling the WSJ that the new handheld will not be as “investment heavy” as previous hardware as the development budget is pared away. Reports claimed last week that Sony had decided to halve the NGP’s expected memory as well as rely solely on removable storage, in an attempt to bring down the sticker price. Read full stoy Source: Slashg...

Could E3 be Microsoft's launch pad for Project 'Orapa'?

ZDNET: Maybe the “big reveal” will be Project Orapa. For those who need a quick codename refresher, Orapa is the working name for a combination of Xbox Live and Microsoft’s Mediaroom IPTV. It would give Microsoft a way to turn TV into a service that it could deliver to Xbox customers first, and Windows, Windows Phone and set-top-box customers, later. Read full story Source: Zd...

Samurai Warriors 3 Empires outed by retail poster

VG247 writes: Chalk this up under “unlikely to cross the pond in any direction”, but oh! How I should like to get my paws on the newly uncovered Samurai Warriors 3 Empires. Samurai Warriors 3 was originally released on the Wii, then ported to PS3 with the added subtitle of “Z” and bundled in content from the Xtreme Legends expansion. That version is yet to see Western release, so don’t cross your fingers for this one.Read full story Source: Vg...

Nintendo’s Next Console May Have Something In Common With the iPhone

Kotaku: We've heard that the touch-screen controllers used in Nintendo's next home console will have a camera. It appears that California-based OmniVision, who among others works with Apple on its iPhones, may be supplying those cameras. OmniVision specialises in camera solutions for handheld devices, and for a few years has supplied the swish back-facing camera sensors (cameras this small only have a lens and a sensor chip) for Apple's iPhone family.Read full story Source: Kok...

Elite is “the future of connected entertainment”

MCV: Boss of developer Beachhead says it wants to further evolve consumers’ relationship with the COD brand. The man in charge of Modern Warfare 3 co-developer Beachhead has outlined his lofty ambitions for the pioneering new console service. “We believe this is the future of connected entertainment,” studio head Chacko Sonny told MCV. “Our goal is simple: to enrich the multiplayer experience. Call of Duty has the most engaged multiplayer community on the planet.Read full story Source: Mc...

Pachter: COD Elite ‘Activision doing it right, modest fee’---(E3, PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

"Michael Pachter tweeted not so long ago, saying “Thanks for all the kind words on CoD subscription. Activision doing it right, modest fee, will include map packs, opt-in with free preserved.”Screens Read full story Source:  Thejoypa...

COD Elite: 'It's something we have to get right'---(PC)

MCV: Activision speaks about the risky decision to monetise some elements of Call of Duty online. This year’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 represents far more than just another addition to the popular series – it’s also about a big step from a major publisher into further monetising what is an already massively lucrative gaming franchise.Read Full Story Source:  Mc...

Rockstar Pass detailed and now available to download---(PS3, XBOX 360)

STN Writes: The Rockstar Pass is now available to download on for 800 MS Points. Details on this have been sketchy to say the least but not anymore. Should you decide to download The L.A. Noire Rockstar Pass you will get the following. Update Rockstar's just sent us the PR detailing the dates of the remaining DLC. It's also stated that the Rockstar Pass is currently benefiting from a 50% discount and will soon return to full price.Read full story Source: Iggam...

DiRT 3 Surpasses all Expectations..Review by Ripten---(PC, PS3, XBOX360)

RipTen: Thankfully, DiRT 3 completely surpasses everything I was expecting when I went in. Coming off of DiRT 2, a game which left me more disappointed than anything else thanks to a severe lack of actual rallies or rally cars, DiRT 3 is a shining beacon of driving goodness.  RipTen: Thankfully, DiRT 3 completely surpasses everything I was expecting when I went in. Coming off of DiRT 2, a game which left me more disappointed than anything else thanks to a severe lack of actual rallies or rally cars, DiRT 3 is a shining beacon of driving goodness. Read full story Source: Rip...

Hunted: The Demon's Forge Review by The Controller Online---(Xbox 360)

The Controller Online writes:  "Bethesda and inXile join up to bring one of the best co-op experiences the Xbox 360 has seen, in Hunted: The Demon's Forge. Fueled by their desires for more co-op games on the market, they worked together to create a rich fantasy world, where in this Action-RPG, teamwork is everything."Read full story Source:  Thecontrolleronl...

Infamous 2 Review - Damonx---(PS3)

Damonx writes : "Beautiful, intense, super addictive ... and no shortage of adjectives to define inFAMOUS 2 . This game is one of those exclusive titles that you will not regret having invested in a PS3." Read full story Source: Dam...

The Sims 3: Generations Review---(PC)

IGN: "The majority of the new features introduced in The Sims 3: Generations are enjoyable enough to fiddle with, but none of them are major game changers. Greater depth to the different life stages provides enough fresh material to make it worth revisiting your Sims’ worlds for another go around, particularly when it comes to pranking neighbors with flaming dog poo and other mischievous tricks. But Generations doesn’t usher in the same level of sweeping change found in the last few expansions. As a result, it comes across as a weak link in the chain." Read full story Source: ...

Fable 3 review (PCGAMER)

PCGAMER writes: An acceptable, lighthearted RPG that’s often too simple, too staid and too black and white to be much fun. Read full story Source: PCGA...

Kung Fu Panda 2: A Complete Belly Flop (Hooked Gamers)---(DS)

HG writes: "The original Kung Fu Panda for Nintendo DS was a fun, solid platformer which retold the tale of the first movie quite well. Much of the gameplay was quite reminiscent of the Metroidvania style of games in which exploration and revisiting areas play a key part in the progression of the game, which is a good thing considering the Metroid and Castlevania games are some of the best out there. So it came as quite a shock to me when I discovered that Kung Fu Panda 2 completely ditched that gameplay style and went for something a little...well, different." Read full story Source: Hookedgam...

Call of Duty: Elite Will “Change The Way That People Think Of Multiplayer” Says Glen Schofield

Now Call of Duty: Elite is officially out in the open and fans have had the chance to read about the much rumoured premium service, we are able to tell you what Infinity Ward’s Robert Bowling and Sledgehammer Games’ Glen Schofield had to say regarding Elite. Read full story Source: Godisag...

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