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Saturday, June 4, 2011

G4TV - Saints Row: The Third Story & Gameplay Preview

 Read full story Source: G4TVWhat type of genre should be given to Saint Row, I don't know what you people are thinking about this game may be my thinking will be much different from that of yours but this game reminds me the memories of PROTOTYPES. I don't know why but this game is too far from the reality as the PROTOTYPE was. Could you tell me the name of any game like this. However, We are waiting, when we'll convert Humans into Cannonballs. G4TV - Dildo bat? Check. A car capable of turning people into human cannonballs? Check. Engaging in a shootout while riding a helicopter-hoisted bank vault? Double check. The only game that could ever feature these elements? You guessed it: THQ’s latest open-world absurdity factory, aka Saints Row: The Third. Volition’s follow up to...

PSN Welcome Back Program Errors Reported -- Gamers Unable To Redeem Games

An expensive month for PlayStation Network has come PlayStation users are reporting their problem till now. Gamers are facing downloading issues. The PSN Welcome Back Program kicked off Tomorrow  but not without a hitch. Many gamers were reporting problems when trying to redeem their free games. The European PlayStation blog has acknowledged some gamers are having issues downloading their games. They recommend logging into your PlayStation Network account and choose Account Management > Transaction Management > Services List. From here choose " “PlayStation Network Promotions” and select "PS3 Free Games" or "PSP Free Games." Click "Select Content." This, in theory, will take you back to PlayStation Store to choose your games again.Read...

E3 Hopes & Fears, Key time for Nintendo comes

Now this is the time for Nintendo to showoff what games they will released around big events. "It’s not long to go now until E3. In the past few years, it’s safe to say that Nintendo fans haven’t exactly had a great show to watch. However, we’re hopeful that this year things will make a welcome change. Granted, the take off for the 3DS hasn’t been as explosive as previously expected, but it’s almost a given that this year, Nintendo will have an ace or two up their sleeves." Read full story Source: 3DStribe&nb...

Additional PSN Plus Freebies

Hopefully by now all PS3 owners have jumped on to the fixed PSN to download their two freebies. But as I’m sure you are aware, in addition to the two free games there is a free 30 day subscription to Playstation Plus to be taken advantage of. While any ‘free’ games you download through this service can only be played while you are signed up to Playstation Plus, that is 30 days (more than enough) to get your fill of a couple of different titles, maybe rack up some more trophies, before you fully get into your two selected Welcome Back Package free games.Read full story Source: Wiredcontrol...

Old PSP games come to NGP using new tech, Resistance, Modnation shown off

A news is revolving that old PSP games come to NGP using new tech, Resistance, Modnation show off, news is not yet confirmed. However, a huge pressure has released because most of the Sony's portable lovers were thinking that NGP will destoy the oldies(old psp games). TVGB writes "This month’s Official PlayStation Magazine UK holds a few more interesting details about what we might see on Sony’s upcoming handheld this E3 and beyond." Read full story Source: TVG...

Konami says expect something BIG this winter for Metal Gear Solid Rising

President of Konami, Shinji Hirano to tease MGS fans with some good news. The reason we do not give information about Rising right now is because we are doing something great and it will come this winter,” replied Shinji Hirano. So please, do you expect to have Rising news about this winterRead full story Source: Veg...

Microsoft releases impressive stats before E3

Weeks before E3, Microsoft shows its current domination over its competitor PS3, and even the Wii. With its launch of the successful Kinect and games, the Xbox 360 easily has the best growth by a large margin. Check out all the stats after the break!! Read full Story Souce: Majornel...

Kinect now just £79.99

gamrpool writes: You can now pick up Microsoft's Kinect for just £79.99. A cracking deal from Amazon, now you can pick up the Kinect, including Kinect Adventures for just £79.99, saving a massive £50. Now there’s no better time to dive in.Read full story Source: Gamrp...

Rumor: Kinect Tracking Receiving Major Updates

InsideKinect's Glen Says: Despite being an incredibly impressive piece of hardware, Kinect is nothing without its software, and the tracking experienced at launch is certainly not the end of the road in terms of capabilities. There was even disparity between the performance of first party launch software, with Kinect Sports more responsive than Kinect Adventures by about 100ms.  Naturally, we expect developers will have got to grips with Kinect to a greater degree come the unveiling of the second wave of games at E3 next week, and a source at Eurogamer goes into quite some detail about what we can expect from Kinect software improvements for voice and facial recognition as well as full body skeletal tracking. Read full story Source:...

Develop 100 names world's best games developers, Nintendo takes #1 spot

Published by the editorial team behind Develop magazine ( – the leading international publication for games developers - the Develop 100 listing is produced in association with Metacritic and sponsored by gamecity:Hamburg. Metacritic's global review score data for games released in calendar year 2010 was used to formulate the list, providing a thorough and accurate rundown of which studios create the best games, be they retail or digital releases, or PC, console or mobile games...Read full Story Source: Goninte...

E311: What to Expect from Nintendo - A complete guide for what to expect from Nintendo at E3 2011. From Wii, DS, and 3DS, to Project Cafe, Skyward Sword, and Mario, the guide captures known properties and rumors.  This is an absolutely crucial year for Nintendo.  The company has four big platforms that they’ll be pushing, and they need to last until 2012 when the Project Cafe is released.  On top of that, Microsoft and Sony will (next year) begin the reveals of their console successors, so whatever Cafe is it had better be great enough to last through those eventual announcements.  The 3DS needs to be successful this year, so core and casual games will be announced in a fury.  Nintendo needs us to fall back in love with the portable,...

Ten E3 Announcements We'd Like To Hear But Probably Won't

N4G Says: E3 will be overflowing with news this year. Joystick Division looks at ten announcements that likely won't be made at the convention. Last comes first Warfare breathing roomSnake in the grassPortably bankrupt Read full StorySource: Joystickdivis...

NextGN E3 2011 Preview - Sony

Nextgn Says: "Nintendo isn’t the only one that’s unveiling a new system at E3. Sony has announced their successor to their PSP; the NGP (next generation portable). A follow-up to the PSP has been rumored for a long time and was officially announced earlier this year. The NGP isn’t the only thing that Sony has cooking as they also have a solid line-up of exclusives coming out later this year." Read full Preview Source: Nex...

FIFA 12 3DS: 'It's the best handheld game we've made' - EA

EA Says: FIFA 12 3D will not only be the best football game on 3DS but it will be EA's best handheld game ever. That's the message from FIFA 12 producer Matt Prior who, in an exclusive interview with Official Nintendo Magazine, told us that his game, unlike PES 2011 3D, "isn't just a basic port." Read full Preview Source: Official Nintendo Magz...

New FIFA 12 3DS screenshots

Here are some new screenshots for the 3DS version of FIFA 12. Read full story Source: Officialnintendomagzin...

New FIFA 12 information - team personality, presentation styles, and more

SystemLink: "The latest issue (059) of the Official Playstation Magazine UK has a feature on FIFA 12, the latest iteration of the EA's flagship sports title. As well as new screenshots, there's plenty of information on the new FIFA, described as a 'revolution, not an evolution'. What's changed? Find out below."  Read full story Source: Systeml...

Uncharted 3 - Two New Gameplay Trailers

Sony have released a new Syria based co-op trailer showing off some of the up and coming gameplay. Watch video Source: Randomprod...

Electronic Arts Reveals E3 Lineup And Its Huge

GB: "Electronic Arts have releases their list of games that they are planning to show off at this years E3 and we must say its quite a list!"  Read full story Source: Gamingb...

E3 2011: New Skyrim gameplay details slip out via NeoGAF, "New Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim details have emerged, covering everything from wielding options to the 13 different types of ore in the game (yes, 13)." There are 60.000 lines of recorded dialog in the game, with a lot more voice actors than in Oblivion or Fallout 3 (for reference: Fallout 3 had 40.000 recorded lines). Three new factions are also confirmed (alongside the Dark Brotherhood): Read full story Source: Computerandvideoga...

You Could Lose Your PlayStation “Welcome Back” Benefits

Users who log in to the PlayStation Network this morning were happy to know that their PlayStation “Welcome Back” benefits have been activated, just a short period after the return of the PlayStation Store. Given the high traffic of the Store at the moment however, patience is required, or you may lose your benefits due to simple computing error.Users who log in to the PlayStation Network this morning were happy to know that their PlayStation “Welcome Back” benefits have been activated, just a short period after the return of the PlayStation Store. Given the high traffic of the Store at the moment however, patience is required, or you may lose your benefits due to simple computing error. Read full story Source: Reviews...

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