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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Call of Duty Elite: First Official Screens and Details

Today, Activision is pleased to announce Call of Duty Elite, an all-new service that will revolutionize the Call of Duty franchise when the service launches this fall. This new service will provide the Call of Duty community with new ways of interacting with each other and share valuable statistical information to the hardcore Call of Duty player. Read Full Source: Exami...

Call of Duty Elite Trailer Leaked

Jeff Gerstmann, staff member, just tweeted that someone has leaked one of the most anticipated trailers for the Call of Duty series. The Elite trailer, not scheduled to be released until tomorrow, was leaked just a few minutes ago by an unknown source. Unfortunately, it was pulled down by Activision almost immediately. Source: king...

New Catherine screenshots---Xbox 360

Atlus just released new screenshots of Catherine. View Screet Shots Source: Gamingeveryth...

Call of Duty Elite beta coming this summer, sign-ups being taken now

XMNR: More Call of Duty Elite details have come out after the first slipping out yesterday. More importantly, the Call of Duty Elite website has gone live and is taking sign-ups for the beta test that is set to begin this summer. Read more Source: Exami...

Games Are Evil Review: Star Raiders (XBLA)

It is decidedly the Age of the Remake. Many game companies, faced with an ever-expanding audience of potential gamers, are choosing to tap into their IP vaults to create something new out of something very, very old. Some titles, such as Capcom’s 8-bit Megaman sequels, survived the test of time intact – remaining a lot of fun to play. Others, such as Incinerator Games’ remake of classic Atari space combat simulator Star Raiders, do not fare quite so well. Source: Gamesareev...

Black Nintendo 3DS Down to DSi Prices

Now you can pick up a black Nintendo 3DS for the same price as a DSi XL cost this time last year. 3DS prices have reached a new low in the UK. have started selling the Cosmic Black 3DS for under £160. Confusingly the black version is £10 cheaper than the blue. It seems likely that this is a temporary mistake and that prices will soon be matched. The question is; which price will they stick with?Source: 3DSBUZZ&nb...

Windows 8 to Play Xbox 360 Games?

Windows 8 users will be able to play Xbox 360 games on their PC. If you are thinking that why Microsoft would do that? Actually Since software giant plans to launch Xbox 720 (not the real name) in few years, Xbox 360 game sales on PC will not only give company additional revenue but will also extend current generation hardware lifespan. According to our sources, Xbox 360 on PC will have a subscription fee (just like Xbox Live). However, when it comes to online gaming, it will use Windows Live Marketplace and as a result, PC owners will not be able to compete against console owners (at least in initial stage), due to plausible frustrations (mouse vs. controller).However we are not sure about this news that "would Microsoft would do that...

Nintendo Wii 2 Spec revealed

Nintendo has revealed some of the information and specification of their Next generation Wii, however, we are not yet sure about such spec and information as we have collected these spec and info from other sources. An internal document from Nintendo has surfaced on the Internet highlighting the hardware specs of the new Nintendo “Project Cafe” device otherwise known as the Wii HD or Wii 2. If this document is correct, we’re looking at something very comparable or better than current generation laptops on the market today. Props to Neogaf & @MrOrangeFace CPU – Custom IBM Power 6 Chip (Codename Fox), Quad Core 3.5Ghz Graphics – Custom AMD RV770 (Codename Wolf) 766Mhz RAM – 512MB XDR2 DRAM (Main), 1024 GDDR5 VRAM (Video), 16MB eDRAM Storage...

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception beta details released

Uncharted 3: Dreake's Deception, one of the most prelude PlayStation 3 outgrowth. Developer Naughty Dog already teased a information of Multiplayer beta few months they’ve explained what gamers can expect on June 28th, when the beta begins.If you purchased Infamous 2 and you got a voucher for the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta, then you’re in luck. You’ll get access to the beta on the first day, June 28th. Everyone else will be able to get in on the fun on July 4th. The beta will run through July 13th, and players will be able to experience nine multiplayer game modes on two maps. You’ll be able to create and customize your character, whether you’re a hero or a villain, and even play Nathan Drake himself in multiplayer, if you choose.Fans...

DS Lite drops to $99 June 5th

Nintendo certainly isn’t going to help those 3DS sales with a price drop the company just announced that will happen the day before E3 starts. The DS Lite is going to have $30 knocked off its price meaning that $129.99 price point is going to drop to an enticing $99.99 on June 5. That’s going to be impulse purchase territory for a lot of gamers. Got an old DS showing it’s age? $99 gets you a new one. That’s not even the price of two Xbox or PS3 games. Nintendo is also going to entice you to buy some of the most popular Mario games ever released for the system(s) by changing their box color to red. The titles getting this repackaging include: New Super Mario Bros. Mario Kart DS Super Mario 64 DS Mario Party DS Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside...

Cold War between Samsung and Apple

Once again there is cold war between Apple and Samsung. The tit-for-tat battle between Samsung and Apple over patent infringement rages on. Apple got permission to see prototypes for upcoming Samsung phones and tablets last week. Samsung wasn’t about to take the ruling lying down, so they submitted their own motion, demanding that Apple turn over prototypes for its future products, including the iPhone 5 and the iPad 3, for inspection by Samsung’s legal team.When Apple initially filed suit against Samsung in April, they pointed to similarities between the iPhone and iPad and the Samsung Galaxy S line of phones and the Galaxy Tab tablets as indicators that the design and trade dress of Apple products had been violated, and that Samsung had tried...

Kung Fu Panda 2

Platform: Wii, Also on 3DS, PS3, Xbox 360 Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: THQ Publisher: THQ Last year, THQ released the uDraw tablet, a Wii-specific peripheral that would allow for precise drawing and other types of gameplay not possible with the Wii remote. Since then it seems like THQ has been trying to force games to use the peripheral, rather than design interesting games with the peripheral as the showcase. This is the case with Kung Fu Panda 2. Kung Fu Panda 2's story is set after that of the film. Po and the rest of the Furious Five find themselves troubled by wolves, gorillas, and komodo dragons. With the help of the Kung Fu masters, Po has to uncover the plot behind this siege and put a stop to it. The story is just OK, but...

L.A. Noire Review

Platform: PS3 & Xbox 360 Label: Rockstar Games What awaits Cole Phelps at the next crime scene? Will it be a couple of hopheads who overdosed on morphine and are now on the midnight train to nowhere? Or maybe a young lady whose dreams of Hollywood stardom were chewed up and spit out by the studios and who now lies naked in a park, the victim of a brutal murder? L.A. Noire confronts you with these sad situations and many more. Inspired by film noir classics and hardboiled crime fiction, this tale of a complicated and troubled cop in postwar Los Angeles makes the business of detective work absorbing and rewarding, and it’s drenched in so much authentic late-’40s style that you’ll practically be able to smell the acrid mix of glamour and...

PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset

Platform: PlayStation 3Release Date: September 2011Price: $99.99Best for: FPS Games Sony says it is going to be  the official PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset – the latest addition to the PlayStation 3 accessories family. The official PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset will be available for $99.99 (MSRP) at retailers nationwide this September. Featuring 7.1 virtual surround sound, the Wireless Stereo Headset lets you hear all the minor in-game audio clues clearly, whether you are in a firefight in a first-person shooter game or racing for the checkered flag. Connecting the Wireless Stereo Headset with PS3 is made easy with the included USB Wireless Adapter. Precise volume controls and accessible microphone mute make it so you never have...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Road to E3 2011: Street Fighter X Tekken

Street Fighter X Tekken (that “X” is conspicuous “cross” by a way) is a crossover warrior between Capcom and Namco. Unlike a Vs series, Street warrior X Tekken is a some-more traditional, reduction over a tip warrior that plays really identical to Street Fighter. The diversion is a tab group fighter, so we have dual characters we can switch between via a fight. We’ve had a possibility to play with a few of a characters, though in an early stage. The differences in a fighting styles between Tekken impression and Street Fighter characters creates balancing a diversion a formidable job, so Capcom has been wavering to uncover off many of a playable characters. So distant a reliable register is: Ryu, Chun-Li, Guile, Kazuya Mishima, Nina Williams,...

Pay to Play "Call of Duty Elite" is coming

Activision Blizzard Inc. plans to launch an online service called Call of Duty Elite this fall that will work with the next major edition of the game, “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3,”. According to the Wall Street Journal: Activision plans to charge a monthly subscription fee for the service, which will provide extra content that isn’t offered on game discs sold in stores, including downloadable map packs that give players new “Call of Duty” levels to play. Jamie Berger, Activision's vice president of digital for "Call of Duty," said the company has about seven million daily players of the game who spend, on average, about seven full days a year playing the game against others online. Players often use headsets to communicate verbally with...

Sony is not working on the PS4

News alert for Play Station fans that Sony is not working on the PS4 anymore. This stoppage is due to the announcement of NGP. Sony already plans to release NGP this year. However it would be better for Sony to release next-gen PS4 in next year. Sony’s Executive VP and Chief Financial Officer Masaru Kato said: “For the home equipment the PS3 still has a product life, but this is a platform business, so for the future platform – when we’ll be introducing what product I cannot discuss that – but our development work is already under way, so the costs are incurred there.”Source: Rip...

NGP’s Official Name Revealed

The possible official name of the NGP could have just been leaked. What do you think? Next Generation Portable (NGP) is now in fact called the Playstation Vita (PSV). Source has confirmed that Vita and Golden Abyss are in facet real names which will be announced soon, possibly at or prior to E3 201. Souece : Ripten Rumour Time: NGPs Official Name Revea...

Infamous 2 Review

Genre: Third-Person Action  Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Developer: Sucker PunchRelease Date: June 7, 2011 MSRP: $59.99 Exclusively on: PlayStation 3 We can not deny that we approach this Infamous 2 with some reluctance. No reason to doubt its quality since the first well showed what could give the franchise itself, but because Sucker Punch was not an easy task to try to raise the bar. Moving from a game notable for an outstanding, especially when we have a very direct then, is a challenge even more complicated. But they have succeeded. Taking note of everything that worked in the first game, amending that no terms of taste and seasoned with their own innovations, they have managed to turn...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

IGN prediction about GTA V

It's been three years since GTA IV came out, which means a lot of people are champing at the bit to see what comes next for Rockstar's signature franchise. Unfortunately, we're pretty sure you're going to have to keep waiting for the foreseeable future. Rockstar isn't on the E3 show floor in any official capacity, which means the company -- or any of the games its working on -- probably won't be there at all. IGN director has said that "we know when GTA V will be announced and released". People can believe on IGN as IGN is one of the few trusted gaming sites that report genuine news. They wouldn't destruct their credibility especially a director. Some more trusted individual in the gaming media already knows what coming next. ...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Cheats & Codes

Camos Complete the Ghillie in the Mist challenge to unlock different camos (ghillie suits) for use with your sniper classes:Artic camo - Get 50 one-shot kills with sniper rifles Urban camo - Get 100 one-shot kills with sniper rifles Desert camo - Get 200 one-shot kills with sniper rifles Extra Custom Class Slot Reach level 70 in multiplayer and enter Prestige Mode to unlock an additional custom class slot for a total of six. Professional Perks Upgrade perks by performing the actions below:Bling Pro / 2 Primary Weapon Attachments + 2 Secondary Weapon Attachments - Get 200 kills with a Weapon with two attachments Cold-Blooded Pro / Hidden from UAV, air support, sentries, and thermal imaging + No Red Crosshair or Name when you are Targeted...

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