Professional Perks
Upgrade perks by performing the actions below:
- Bling Pro / 2 Primary Weapon Attachments + 2 Secondary Weapon Attachments - Get 200 kills with a Weapon with two attachments
- Cold-Blooded Pro / Hidden from UAV, air support, sentries, and thermal imaging + No Red Crosshair or Name when you are Targeted - Destroy 40 enemy Killstreak Rewards with Cold-Blooded Perk
- Commando Pro / Increased melee distance + No falling damage - Get 20 Melee Kills using Commando Perk
- Danger Close Pro / Increased explosive weapon damage + Extra air support damage - Get 100 Kills with explosives while using Danger Close Perk
- Hardline Pro / Killstreak rewards require 1 less kill + Deathstreak rewards require 1 less Ddeath - Get 40 Killstreaks (2 or more in a row without dying) with Hardline Perk
- Lightweight Pro / Move faster + Quick aim after sprinting - Run 30 miles with Lightweight Perk
- Marathon Pro / Unlimited sprint + Climb faster - Run 26 miles with Marathon Perk
- Ninja Pro / Invisible to heartbeat sensors + Your footsteps are silent - Get 50 close range kills using Ninja Perk
- Scavenger Pro / Resupply from dead enemies + Extra mags - Resupply 100 times with Scavenger Perk
- Scrambler Pro / Jam enemy radar near you + delay enemy claymore explosions - Get 50 close range kills using Scrambler Perk
- Sitrep Pro / Detect enemy explosives and tactical insertions + Louder Enemy Footsteps - Destroy 120 detected explosives or tactical insertions with Sitrep Perk
- Sleight of Hand Pro / Faster reloading + Faster aiming - Get 120 kills with Sleight of Hand Perk
- Steady Aim Pro / Increased hip shot Accuracy + Longer breath hold duration - Get 80 hip shot kills using Steady Aim
- Stopping Power Pro / Extra bullet damage + Extra damage to enemy vehicles - Get 300 kills with Stopping Power Perk
The following weapons and equipment can be unlocked by attaining the (multiplayer) levels below:
- FAMAS - Lvl. 1
- M4A1 Carbine - Lvl. 4
- SCAR-H - Lvl. 8
- TAR-21 - Lvl. 20
- FAL - Lvl. 28
- M16A4 - Lvl. 40
- ACR - Lvl. 48
- F2000 - Lvl. 60
- AK-47 - Lvl. 70
- M14 EBR - Campaign Only
- G3 - Campaign Only
- UMP .45 - Lvl. 1
- MP5k - Lvl. 4
- Vector - Lvl. 12
- P90 - Lvl. 24
- Mini Uzi - Lvl. 44
- L86 LSW - Lvl. 1
- RPD - Lvl. 4
- MG4 - Lvl. 16
- AUG HBAR - Lvl. 32
- M240 - Lvl. 52
- CheyTac Intervention - Lvl. 1
- Barrett .50 Cal (AKA M107) - Lvl. 4
- WA2000 - Lvl. 36
- M21 EBR - Lvl. 56
- Dragunov - Campaign Only
- PP-2000 - Machine Pistols Lvl. 1
- Glock 18 - Lvl. 22
- M93 Raffica - Lvl. 38
- TMP - Lvl. 58
- SPAS-12 - Lvl. 1
- AA-12 - Lvl. 12
- Striker - Lvl. 34
- Ranger - Lvl. 42
- M1014 - Lvl. 54
- Winchester 1887 - Lvl. 67
- W1200 - Campaign Only
- USP .45 - Handguns Lvl. 1
- .44 Magnum aka Colt Anaconda - Lvl. 26
- M9 - Lvl. 46
- Desert Eagle - Lvl. 62
- M1911 - Campaign Only
- AT4-HS - Lvl. 1
- Thumper x2 aka M79 grenade launcher - Lvl. 14
- Stinger - Lvl. 30
- Javelin - Lvl. 50
- RPG-7 x2 - Lvl. 65
- Frag Grenade - Lvl. 1
- Semtex - Lvl. 1
- Throwing Knife - Lvl. 7
- Tactical Insertion - Lvl. 11
- Blast Shield - Lvl. 19
- Claymores - Lvl. 31
- C4 - Lvl. 43
- Knife
- Ice Picks
- Smoke grenade
- Stun grenadeAttachments
- Red Dot Sight
- EOTech Holographic Weapon Sight
- MARS Sight
- ACOG Sight (and various telescopic sights that are specific to certain guns)
- Thermal Scope
- Suppressor
- Grenade Launcher
- Heartbeat Sensor
- Shotgun
- Extended Magazine
- Full Metal Jacket ammunition (replacement for Deep Impact)
- Sniper Scope (will not take up an attachment slot, just like in Call of Duty 4)
- Akimbo
- Rapid Fire (replacement for Double Tap)
- Foregrip
- Tactical Knife
Assault Rifles
Submachine Guns
Light Machine Guns
Sniper Rifles
Secondary Weapons
Killstreak Rewards
You can unlock the following rewards by meeting the Killstreak requirements below:
- 3 - UAV (Reveals enemies on minimap)
- 4 - Care Package (ammo / killstreak air drop -- can be collected by anyone)
- 4 - Counter UAV (disable enemy maps)
- 5 - Sentry Gun (airdropped)
- 5 - Predator (directed missile)
- 6 - Precision Airstrike (choose a location to bomb)
- 7 - Harrier Strike (choose a location to bomb and defend with a Harrier)
- 7 - Attack Helicopter (helicopter backup)
- 8 - Emergency Airdrop (four ammo / killstreak air drops -- can be collected by anyone)
- 9 - Pave Low (armored helicopter backup)
- 11 - Chopper Gunner (operate a helicopter gun)
- 11 - AC130 (operate a plane gun)
- 15 - EMP (disable enemy electronics)
Source: IGN

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