Glider Content

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nintendo 3DS "Black Screen Of Death", How to fix

          According to several video game sites, some owners of the 3-D gaming gadget have found that a black screen appears along with instructions to hold the power button down and hard-reset the machine.            The system indicates "An error has occurred" while playing a variety of games and has to be rebooted. We saw no such glitches in our testing, but what about you?          Super Monkey Ball, Street Fighter IV 3D, Pilotwings, Ghost Recon, Lego Star Wars, and Mii applications have all been mentioned in connection to the error.          Some users have found the issue is resolved by the reset suggested on-screen, while others...

Where do you think GTA V will be set?

 It is nearing 3 years since gtaIV was released. Imho the first stages of devolpement for the next gta was started 6 months before IV was released.(just an assumption). I have no idea where the next location is, I wouldn't mind for any location however, as long as it has a somewhat diverse environment. I the the most likely place is Vice city. However, I prayed its not 80s again. SA is also possible but I don't think London will be done again. I wish GTAV would be more like Vice City, warm sandy beaches, 80's feeling and stuff. GTAIV is kinda "dark" and everything so it gives a feeling like a war is going on. Anyway what do you think if it would be in San Andreas because there's alot of space to play in theres a beach, a country side,...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

New screen, temporary cover and price revealed for God of War Origins Collection

 Amazon has revealed a brand new screenshot, the temporary box art in addition to the price of the recently-announced Playstation 3 compilation, God of War: Origins Collection.  Amazon has just put up a pre-order page for the recently-announced Playstation 3 exclusive compilation, God of War: Origins Collection. The online retailer provided an additional screen that wasn’t released by Sony Computer Entertainment America to the media during this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo. They also provided a temporary box art for it. You can check out the cover, the new screen and the first images for the collection in the slideshow to the left of this article. Finally, they revealed the price of God of War: Origins Collection. While...

E3 2011: Witcher 2 On Xbox 360 Is Awesome, PS3 Players Pray For Port

PC gamers were graced with The Witcher 2 about a month ago courtesy of CD Projekt RED. Upon release, the game received numerous commendations for its graphics, storytelling, combat system, and superb RPG elements. Up until now, the game has been a PC exclusive. Now, lucky Xbox 360 owners get to enjoy the rich tale following Geralt of Rivia on their console later on this year. Don’t fret just yet PS3 gamers. There’s still hope for you yet. We were told that Witcher 2 isn’t a Microsoft exclusive and the only reason they aren’t currently working on a Playstation version is that they like to focus on one project at a time. They did convey interest in expanding their fanbase by bringing the game to more consoles in the future however. Witcher...

Has Final Fantasy Versus XIII become the next Duke Nukem Forever?

The lack of information in the space of six years, will be very worrying for fans.  Product-Reviews writes: The lack of information in the space of six years, will be very worrying for fans. Dare we say it, but has Final Fantasy Versus rolled into development hell and become the next Duke Nukem Forever? It now looks like Square-Enix will release Final Fantasy XIII-2 before they push Versus XIII out, which again will be met with considerable frustration by patient fans.  Some of you may have forgot this, but Versus XIII was actually unveiled SIX years ago at E3 2006. Since then, we have heard very little facts about the game’s storyline, with only a few trailers released in that period of time. This is backed up by producer Yoshinori...

Sony and Nintendo missed something big at E3

Gaming Irresponsibly's Josh Knowles writes: I’ve been giving this some thought. There has been so much talk about who won or lost E3, some say Microsoft while others say Nintendo and even others claim Sony came in last. When it comes down to it, your system of choice came in ahead and likely it’s competitor’s show was a joke. There really was a loser this year at E3 though and ironically, they do not hail from house Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft but from your own. I am an equal opportunity gamer, I play most multiplayer games on 360 due to the social environment and I play the Playstation for almost every single player title. Nintendo is played for it’s exclusives and not much else. Something, though, that I noticed was the fact that everyone...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Nintendo is back?

Well as you all know E3 2011 has come to a sad stop. Its been a exciting week for ALL GAMERS everywhere. If your a playstation gamer, look forward to uncharted, resistance, and PS vita. If your a Xbox gamer look forward to halo 4 & Gears of war 3. Last but not least, Nintendo came with the big guns this year, the WiiU and with that being said let me get to the point.  A lot of gamers lately have been saying the phrase "Nintendo is back". Someone please tell me.. where did they go? Check out the video below for more on the subject and let us know what you think. Read full story Souce: 26s...

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